
Abstract Abstract Brassey's Annual: The Armed Forces Year-Book 1967. Editors: Major-General J. L. Moulton, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E.; Brigadier C. N. Barclay, C.B.E., D.S.O.; Air Vice-Marshal W. M. Yool, C.B., C.B.E. (William Clowes & Sons, Ltd.) 84s. Jane's Fighting Ships, 1967–68. Edited by R. V. B. Black-man. (Sampson Low, Marston & Co.) 8 gns. Jane's Surface Skimmer Systems. Edited by Roy McLeavy. (Sampson Low, Marston & Co.) 2 gns. The Role of the Military in Under-developed Countries. Edited by John J. Johnson. (Princeton University Press. London: Oxford University Press.) 22s. 6d. The Inequality of States: A Study of the Small Power in International Relations. By David Vital. (Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press.) 30s. NATO and Europe. By André Beaufre. (Faber.) 28s. Arms without Empire: British Defence in the Modern World. By Neville Brown. (Penguin Books.) 4s. 6d. English Studies Series—5: Military Texts. By B. D. Graver with K. J. T. Hoile. (Oxford University Press.) 12s. 6d. A Short Guide to Clausewitz on War. Edited by Roger Ashley Leonard. (Weidenfeld & Nicolson.) 45s. Sea Warfare 1939–1945. By Captain John Creswell, R.N. (University of California Press. London: Cambridge University Press.) 64s. Heritage of Sea Power: The Story of Portsmouth. By F. W. Lipscomb. (Hutchinson.) 50s. The Beloved Little Admiral: Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, G.C.B., O.M. By Vivian Stuart. (Robert Hale.) 42s. The British Army 1642–1970. By Brigadier Peter Young, D.S.O., M.C. (Kimber.) 70s. Townshend of Kut. By A. J. Barker. (Cassell.) 42s. Soldiers in the Air: The Development of Army Flying. By Brigadier P. W. Mead. (Ian Allan.) 42s. Best Army Stories. Edited by Andrew Graham. (Faber.) 21s. Flying Tales from ‘Blackwood’. Second Series. (William Blackwood.) 18s. Great Britain and the War of 1914–1918. By Sir Llewellyn Woodward. (Methuen.) 84s. Death of an ARMY: The First Battle of Ypres 1914. By Anthony Farrar-Hockley. (Arthur Barker.) 30s. 1940: The Fall of France. By General André Beaufre. (Cassell.) 42s. Guerrillas: A History and Analysis. By Arthur Campbell. (Arthur Barker.) 45s. Defeat in the East: The Mark of Mao Tse-tung on War. By Michael Elliott-Bateman. (Oxford University Press.) 40s. The Quicksand War: Prelude to Vietnam. By Lucien Bodard. (Faber.) 45s. The Israeli Campaign 1967. By Brigadier Peter Young, D.S.O., M.C. (Kimber.) 42s. India's Quest for Security: Defence Policies 1947–1965. By Lome J. Kavic. (University of California Press. London: Cambridge University Press.) 63s. Documents Relating to Anson's Voyage round the World 1740–1744. Edited by Glyndwr Williams, Ph.D. (Navy Records Society.) 50s. Napoleon in Russia. By Alan Palmer. (André Deutsch.) 45s. The First Afghan War 1838–1842. By J. A. Norris. (Cambridge University Press.) 80s. Remember Butler: The Story of Sir William Butler. By Edward McCourt. (Routledge & Kegan Paul.) 45s. Espionage and Subversion in an Industrial Society: An examination and philosophy of defence for management. By Peter Hamilton. (Hutchinson.) 50s.

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