
Book reviewed in this article:Penal Reform. A Comparative Study. By Max Grünhut.HABITUAL OFFENDERS: Recueil de Documents en matière Pénale et Pénitentiaire.CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Der SS‐Staat. Das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager. By Eugen Kogon.BIOGRAPHY: Fifteen Years Hard Labour. By Claud Mullins.BIOGRAPHY: Geraldine Cadbury, 1865–1941. By Janet Whitney.CRIMINAL LAW: A History of English Criminal Law and its Administration from 1750. By Dr. Leon Radzinowicz with a Foreword by Lord Macmillan, published under the auspices of the Pilgrim Trust by Stevens and Sons Limited.CRIMINAL LAW: The Criminal Justice Act, 1948. A. C. L. Morrison, C.B.E. and Edward Hughes.CRIMINAL LAW: An Introduction to the Criminal Law in Australia. By J. V. Barry and G. W. Paton, assisted by G. Sawer. Preface by Professor P. H. Winsfield.CHILDREN IN TROUBLE: Juvenile Delinquency in an English Middletown. By Dr. Hermann Mannheim.CHILDREN IN TROUBLE: Problems of Child Delinquency. By Maud A. Merrill, Professor of Psychology, Stanford University.CHILDREN IN TROUBLE: The Neglected Child and His Family. A Study made in 1946–7 of the problem of the child neglected in his own home, together with certain recommendations made by a Sub‐Committee of the Women's Group on Public Welfare.CHILDREN IN TROUBLE: Medicina Pedagogica Emendativa, da Benigno di Tullio. Guida per la rieducazione dei minorenni anormali della condotta, O.E.T. traviati e delinquenti.RESEARCH WANTED: The Etiology of Delinquent and Criminal Behaviour. A Planning Report for Research. By Walter A. Reckless.MISCELLANEOUS: An Introduction to Ethics. By William Lillie.MISCELLANEOUS: Textbook of Mental Deficiency. A. F. Tredgold, M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S. (Ed.)MISCELLANEOUS:A Handbook on Hanging. Charles Duff.TWO BOOKS FROM SWITZERLAND: The attention of readers of the Howard Journal may be drawn to two recent Swiss publications of considerable interest: Die Prophylaxe des Verbrechens. Edited by Heinrich Meng.A PAMPHLET: An Outline of the Principles and Methods to be Employed by Children's Social Adjustment at their Hostel School. By Dr. Marjorie Franklin.

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