
Book reviewed in this article:CHRISTIANITY AND THE HIGHER HINDUISM Im Kampfe mit der Zauberwelt des HinduismusA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF RELIGIONS Vergleichende Religionswissenschaft. Von D. Dr Heinrich Frick.MISSIONS AND THE SOUL OF A PEOPLE L'Ame des Peuples à EvangéliserTHE ROOT OF PRIMITIVE BELIEF The Soul of the Bantu. By W. C. Willoughby.THE ROOT OF PRIMITIVE BELIEF The ‘Soul’ of the Primitive. By Lucien Lévy‐Bruhl. Authorized translation by Lilian A. Clare.A FAITH FOR THE WORLD A Faith for the World. By William Paton.ANCIENT CHINESE THOUGHT A History of the Religious Beliefs and Philosophical Opinions in China: From the Beginning to the Present Time. By Leo Wieger, S.J.ANCIENT CHINESE THOUGHT Ancient Chinese Political Theories. By Kuo‐cheng Wu, Ph.D.JAMES EWING AND ARTHUR NEVE Sir James Ewing. By R. E. Speer, D.D.JAMES EWING AND ARTHUR NEVE A Crusader in Kashmir: Being the Life of Dr Arthur Neve, with an Account of the Medical Missionary Work of Two Brothers and its Later Development down to the Present Day. By Ernest F. Neve. Illustrated.THE PRINCIPLE OF NATIONALITY Geschichte der nationalen Bewegung im Orient. Von Hans Kohn.ARABIA AND ITS PEOPLE Ibn Sa'oud of Arabia: His People and His Land. By Ameen Rihani.ARABIA AND ITS PEOPLE Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes and Yezidee Devil‐Worshippers. By W. B. Seabrook.CONCERNING BUDDHISM The Pilgrimage of Buddhism and a Buddhist Pilgrimage. By James Bissett Pratt, Ph.D.LIVINGSTONE AND KIRK Kirk on the Zambesi: A Chapter of African History. By R. Coupland.CHINA CHRISTIAN YEAR BOOK The China Christian Year Book, 1928. Fifteenth Issue. Edited by Frank Rawlinson, D.D.RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Evangelische Lebenskunde auf wert‐pädagogischer Grundlage. Von Schulrat D. Otto EberhardRELIGIOUS EDUCATION Christ and Modern Education. By Charles E. Raven, D.D.

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