
A List of English Law Officers, King's Counsel and Holders of Patents of Precedence Compiled by Sir John Sainty London: Selden Society, Supplementary Series, Vol. 7, 1987 xviii + 330 pp., illus. £32 to non‐members The Edington Cartulary Edited by Janet H. Stevenson Devizes: Wiltshire Record Society, Volume XLII, 1987 for 1986 xxxiv + 236 pp., illus. £15 to non‐members (available from M. J. Lansdown, 53 Clarendon Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire BAH 7BS) Church and Chapel in Oxfordshire 1851: The return of the census of religious worship Edited by Kate Tiller Oxford: Oxfordshire Record Society, Volume 55, 1987 1+126 pp. £9 to non‐members (available from the Hon. Secretary, Oxfordshire Record Society, Bodleian Library, Oxford ox1 3BG) Dictionary of Scottish business biography 1860‐1960, Volume 1: the staple industries Edited by Anthony Slaven and Sydney Checkland Aberdeen: University Press, 1986 xvi + 496 pp. £44 Rebuilding a Valley: A History of Cwmbran Development Corporation Philip Riden Gloucester: Alan Sutton for Cwmbran Development Corporation, 1988 xix + 269 pp., 105 plates. £5.95 History and computing Edited by Peter Denley and Deian Hopkin Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1987 xiv + 344 pp., illus. £7.95 A Guide to Parish Records in the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research C. C. Webb University of York: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Borthwick Texts and Calendars No 12, 1988 xx + 161 pp. £7.50 B.A.S. Archives: Guide to Holdings G. J. Smith and J. Rae Cambridge: British Antarctic Survey, 1987 212 pp. £3 The Contemporary Medical Archives Centre in the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Julia Sheppard London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1987 The Beatrix Potter papers at Hill Top (Stroud: Ian Hodgkins, 1987. xi + 28 pp.). Itinerari di ricerca nelle fonti archivistiche della Valdinievole, edited by Rosalia Manno Tolu (Pistoia: Archivio di Stato, 1987). 143 pp. + 38 plates. Record Offices: How to Find Them (4th edition) by Jeremy Gibson and Pamela Peskett was published by the Federation of Family History Societies in 1987 and is available for £1.50 plus postage from J. S. W. Gibson, Harts Cottage, Church Hanborough, Oxford OX7 2AB, or from the Federation of Family History Societies, c/o Benson Room, Birmingham & Midlands Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham BS 3BS.

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