
Abstract Abstract Earnings of Women In Michigan: Ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Henry A. Robinson, Commissioner of Labor. 1892. Lansing, Michigan. Pp. xvii, 472. Reviewed by Lucy M. Salmon. Effect of Occupation on Health: The Effect of Occupation on the Health and Duration of the Trade-life of Workmen. 12th, 13th, and 14th Annual Reports of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries, of New Jersey, 1889, 1890, and 1891. Trenton, N. J. Reviewed by S. W. Abbott. Influence of Occupations Upon Mortality: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. October and November, 1892. Reviewed by William Z. Ripley. Fertility of Marriages in Prussia According to the Religious Creeds of the Contracting Parties: The Zeitschrift des Königlich Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus for 1891 contains a very interesting article upon the fertility of marriages in the different religious sects of Prussia for sixteen years (Eheliche Fruchtbarkeit bei den verschiedenen Religionsgemeinschaften in Preussen, 1875 bis 1890). Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins. The French Population: Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris. September, 1892. La population française. Par M. Levasseur. Reviewed by W. Z. Ripley. The French Population: Journal des Economistes. October, 1892. La population française le dénombrement. M. Leon Roquet. Reviewed by W. Z. Ripley. The Geographical Distribution of Sexes: Karl Bücher has recently published in the Allgemeines Statistische Archiv, for 1891–92, Part II, a paper entitled Ueber die Verteilung der beiden Geschlechter auf der Erde, originally read before the Verein für Geographie und Statistik zu Frankfurt a Main. Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins. Effect of Parents' Age on Vitality of Children: Josef Körösi has recently written an interesting article upon the Effect of Parents' Age on the Vitality of Children in the Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, No. 4, 1892. It is based upon records kept by himself during the five years between 1878 and 1882, and during the years 1888 and 1889, making in all seven years, although not consecutive. The Fall of the Rate of Interest and its Influence on Provident Institutions: In La Reforme Sociale (Nos. 45 and 46) for November, 1892, appears an article on the above subject by M. Cheysson, with an appended discussion by MM. Juglar, Fougerousse, Gibon, and Cheysson. Reviewed by Francis Walker. Limitations of Statistics: In the March issue (1892) of the Rassegna di science sociali e politiche the scope and limitations of statistics is considered by Prof. Salvioni, in an article entitled Ai Confini della Statistica. The following is a summary of the principal positions taken by the author. Reviewed by Stephen F. Weston. Suicides in the Austrian Army in the Years 1873–90: In the last April number of the Statistische Monatschrift (Austria) Josef Roth has an article upon suicides in the German army during the period 1873–90 (Die Selbstmorde in der k. u. k. Armee in den Jahren 1878–90). Ten YEARS' Growth of the City of London: Ten Years' Growth of the City of London. Report, Local Government and Taxation Committee of the Corporation, by James Salmon, Chairman. London, 1891. 139 pages. Reviewed by F. A. Currier. Work of the Statistical Seminary at the University of Vienna: Bericht über die thatigkeit des statistischen Seminars an der K. K. Universität Wien im Wintersemester, 1891–92. By Dr. Hermann v. Schullern-Schrattenhofen. In the Statistische Monatschrift, October, 1892. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater. Local Public Records of Massachusetts: The Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns, and Counties in Massachusetts for 1892 has recently appeared. In it the Commissioner, Robert T. Swan, makes complaint of the manner in which state laws are neglected by many town and county clerks. The Criminal Statistics of Buenos Ayres: Provincia de Buenos Aires. Memoria del Departamento de Policía. 1892. Pp. 196; tables. Reviewed by L. P. Lane. Registration Report of Massachusetts: Fiftieth Report of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in the Commonwealth, and returns of Deaths investigated by the Medical Examiners, for the Year 1891. Pp. 145. Boston, 1892. Reviewed by G. N. Calkins. The Necessity of a Revision of the Classification and Nomenclature Employed in the Vital Statistics of Massachusetts.

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