
Book reviewed in this articleScience and Personality. By William Brown, M.A., M.D.The Mansions of Philosophy : A Survey of Human Life and Destiny. By Will Durant.Acute Infectious Diseases : A Handbook for. Practitioners and Students. By J. D. Rolleston, M.A., M.D.The Nervous Child. By Hector Charles Cameron, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.The Psychology of the Pre‐School Child. By James Drever, M.A., B.Sc, D.Ph.Youth : The Psychology of Adolescence and its Bearing on the Reorganization of Adolescent Education. By Olive A. Wheeler, D.Sc.Home and Community Hygiene : A Text‐Book of Personal and Public Health. By Jean Broadhurst, Ph.D.Systematic Sociology in Germany. A Critical Analysis of some Attempts to Establish Sociology as an Independent Science. By Theodore Abel, Ph.D.Sterilization and the Unfit. By Walter M. Gallichan.A Book of Crimes. By A. Salusbury MacNalty.The Rhythms of Life and Other Essays on Science. By D. F, Fraser‐Harris, M.D., D.Sc, F.R.S.E.Social Christianity in England : A Study in its Origin and Nature. By Justus Ferdinand Laun.Social Diseases and Social Equipoise : A New Outlook upon the Creative Elements of Society. By R. Westland Chalmers, M.B., Ch.B., D.M.R.E.Jesus the Reformer. By Edward McLcllan.The Harley Street Calendar. By H. H. Bashford. Pp. 272.A Labrador Doctor : The Autobiography of Sir Wilfred Thomason Grenfell, M.D. (Oxon.), F.R.C.S., K.C.M.G. Revised Popular Edition. Pp. ix + 333. With portrait frontispiece and 3 full‐page illustrations. London : Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd., Warwick Square, E.C. 4. 1929. Price 7s. 6d.Plain Tales from Flanders. By the Rev. P. B. Clayton, M.C.These Fifty Years. By Bramwell Booth, C.H.The Life‐Story and Experiences of a Phrenologist. By J. Millott Severn, F.B.P.S.

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