
Alcohol: the Sanctlon for its Use Scientifically Established and Popularly Expounded by a PhysiologistLicensing and Temperance in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. By E. A. Pratt.Text‐Book of Psychiatry. A Psychological Study of Insanity for Practitioners and Students. By Dr. E. Mendel, A.O.Cambridge: a Brief Study in Social Questions. By Eglantyne Jebb.Pulmonary Tuberculosis: Its Predisposition, Environment, and Treatment. By David Crichton, L.R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P.E., L.F.P.S.G.Child‐Nature and Education. By Miss W. Hoskyns‐Abrahall, M.A.Builders of the Body. By Eustace Miles.Supplementary Essays on the Cause and Prevention of Dental Caries. By J. Sim Wallace, M.D., D.Sc., L.D.S.Tics and Their Treatment. By Henry Meige and E. Feindel; with a Preface by Professor Brissaud. Translated and edited by S. A. K. Wilson, M.A., M.B., B.Sc.At the Back of the Black Man's Mind. By R. E. Dennett.Hypnotism or Suggestion and Psychotherapy: a Study of the Psychological, Psycho‐Physiological, and TherapeuticAspects of Hypnotism. By Dr. (Med.) August Forel. Translated from the fifth German edition by H. W. Armit, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.The History of the Wine Trade in England. By André L. Simon, F.R.Hist.S.The Blaisdell Series of PhysiologiesThe Child's Book of Health.How to Keep Well.Our Bodies, and How we Live.Life and Health.How to Teach Physiology. Pp. 52. 1902. Price 10 cents. By Albert F. Blaisdell, M.D.The Human Mechanism. its Physiology and Hygiene, and the Sanitation of its Surroundings. By Theodore Hough and William T. Sedgwick.The Mother's Guide. a Woman's words to Women. Pp. 164. Revised edition, 1905. By Mrs. Mary Scharlieb, M.D., M.S.Women's Work and Wages. By Edward Cadbury, M. Cécile Matheson, and George Shann, M.A.The Finger‐Post: a Guide to the Professions and Occupations of Educated Women.Unpaid Professions for Women. By Alice Zimmern.Autobiography of George Müller. Compiled by G. FredJames Wright of Bristol. By Arthur T. Pierson.Soldiers and Preachers Too. By Owen Spencer WatkinsPolitics and Disease. By A. Goff and J. H. Levy.Toksikatem Castle: or, the Rescue of the Princess Tempe‐Rantia. Pp. 127. With 29 illustrations. By J. James Ridge, M.D., B.S., B.A., BSC.The Don't‐Know Family.A New Tommy Don't‐Know. Pp. 160. 1906. With illustrations. By Noel Hope.Novelties and How to Make them.The a b c of Needlework. By Betsy L. Blackmore.Riches and Poverty. By L. G. Chiozza Money, M.P. Third Edition.Christianity and Sex Problems. By Hugh Northcote, M.A.The Making of the Criminal. By Charles E. B. Russell and L. M. Rigby.Country Cottages and Week‐End Homes. By J. H. Elder‐Duncan.Cook's Handbook for Palestine and Syria. By the Rev. J. E. Hananen and Dr. E. G. Masterman.

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