
Environmental and human health problems associated with waste are not limited to littering, pollution, disposal etc. Over the years waste has become a major problem in many developing countries as their population increases. As the volume of waste continues to increase in Lagos State, there is a need to adopt an efficient sustainable policy framework such as the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (WFD) - also known as the Waste Hierarchy Guideline – that will help resolve part of the plastic waste problems in Lagos State. In this review article, Lagos is used as a case study due to its growing population, urbanization, and industrialization. This literature examines the environmental problems caused by the failure to implement the Waste Hierarchy Guideline as a policy that allows the pursuit of proper waste disposal, management, and environmental protection in Lagos State. As a result, the paper recommends incorporating waste hierarchy options into Lagos state waste management policies to achieve resource conservation, an aftercare-free waste treatment system, and protection for mankind (human health) and the environment.

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