
Baker, Kevin (1993) Identification Guide to European Non‐Passerines. BTO Guide 24. Published by the British Trust for Ornithology, The Nunnery, Nunnery Place, Thetford, Norfolk. Price £15 plus postage and packing. (Special concessionary rates for BTO ringers of £12 including postage and packing). Schepers, F.J. & Marteijn, E.C.L., eds. (1993) Coastal waterbirds in Gabon. Winter 1992. WIWO‐Report 41, Netherlands, pp 293, numerous black and white plates and maps. Dfl. 30,–. Spiekman, H. & Groen, N. (1993) Breeding performance of arctic waders in relation to lemming densities, North‐east Taimyr, Siberia, 1992. WIWO‐Report 33, Netherlands, pp 57, 19 black and white computer scanned plates, maps. Dfl. 15,‐.

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