
Book reviewed in this article:Society, Theory and the French Revolution: Studies in the Revolutionary Imaginary. By Brian C. J. Singer.France on the Eve of Revolution: British Travellers' Observations 1763–1788. By John Lough.The Old Regime and the French Revolution. Edited by Keith M. Baker.The Parisian Order of Barristers and the French Revolution. By Michael P. Fitzsimmons.The French Revolution. By L. W. Cowie.A Conspiracy of Well‐Mentioned Men. The Society of Thirty and the French Revolution. By Daniel L. Wick.The People of Pans. An Essay in Popular Culture in the 18th Century. By Daniel Roche.William Hunter and the Eighteenth‐Cenfury Medical World. Edited by W. F. Bynum and Roy Porter.Charles Gravier de Vergennes, Comte de Vergennes: French Diplomacy in the Age of Revolution: 1719–1787. By Orville T. Murphy.Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean 1492–1797. By Peter Hulme.The English Atlantic, 1675‐1 740: an Exploration of Communication and Community. By Ian K. Steele.Soldiers, Sugar and Seapower. The British Expeditions to the West Indies and the War against Revolutionary France. By Michael Duffy.The Origins of War in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Jeremy Black.Truth, Liberty, Religion. Essays Celebrating Two Hundred Years of Manchester College. Edited by Barbara Smith.The Peopling of British North America: An Introduction. By Bernard Bailyn.Voyagers to the West: Emigration from Britain to America on the Eve of the Revolution. By Bernard Bailyn, with the assistance of Barbara DeWolfe.Allies of Convenience. Diplomatic Relations between Great Britain and Austria 1714‐1 719. By Derek McKay.Joseph II: 1. In the Shadow of Maria Theresa.French Higher Education in the Seventeenth andEighteenth Centuries: A Cultural History. By L. W. B. Brockliss.Barbary and Enlightenment. European Attitudes towards the Maghreb in the Eighteenth Century. By Ann Thomson.The Militury Experience in the Age of Reason. By Christopher Duffy.Andrew Mitchell and Anglo‐Prussian Diplomah'c Relations during the Seven Years War. By Patrick Francis Doran.The Protestant Succession in International Politics, 1710–1716. By Edward Gregg.Gold‐tooled Book Bindings Commissioned by Trinity College Dublin in the Eighteenth Century. By Joseph McDonneU and Patrick Healy.New Foundations: Ireland 1660–1800. By David Dickson.Anglo‐Irish Politics in the Age of Grattan and Pitt. By Gerard O'Brien.War and Politics in Ireland, 1649–1730. By J. G. Simms. Edited by David Hayton and Gerard O'Brien.La Mkditerrannke au XVIIIe si2cle. Actes du colloque international tenu a Air‐en‐Provence les 4, 5, et 6 septembre 1985. Ed. by F. Paknadel.Aberdeen and the Enlightenment. Edited with an introduction by Jennifer J. Carter and Joan H. Pittock.David Williams. The Hammer andthe Anvil. By Whitney R. D. Jones.Philosophers and Pamphleteers. Political Theorists of the Enlightenment. By Maurice Cranston.Britain in the First Age of Party. 1680‐1 750: Essays presented to Geoffrey Holmes. Edited by Clyve Jones.The Extratem'torial Life Debate 1750–1900. The Idea of a Plurality of Worlds from Kant to Lovell. By Michael J. Crowe.Hegel. Religion, Economics and the Politics of Spirit 1770–1807. By Laurence Dickey.The Judgment of Sense. Renaissance Naturalism and the Rise of Aesthetics. By David Summers.Practicing Enlightenment: Hume and the Formation of a Literary Career. By Jerome Christensen.William Cowper: A Biography. By James King.The Failure of Gothic: Problems of Disjunction in an Eighteenth‐Century Literary Form. By Elizabeth R. Napier.Sensibility: An Introduction. By Janet Todd.Blake's Innocence and Experience Retraced. By Stanley Gardner.The Scattered Portions. William Blake's Biological Symbolism. By Rodney M. Baine (with the assistance of Mary R. Baine).Charlotte Temple. By Susanna Rowson. With an introduction by Cathy N. Davidson.The Coquette. By Mrs Hannah W. Foster. With an introduction by Cathy N. Davidson.Johnson after Two Hundred Years. Edited by Paul Korshin.Johnson's Dictionary and the Language of Learning. By Robert De Maria Jr.Selections from Johnson on Shakespeare. Edited by Bertrand H. Bronson and Jean M. O'Meara.Order from Confusion Sprung. By Claude Rawson.Rhetoric and the Pursuit of Truth: Language Change in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By Brian Vickers and Nancy S. Struever.The Happy Island: Images of Childhood in the Eighteenth‐Century French “Thedtred Education”. By James Herbert Davis, Jr.En Marge du Classicisme: Essays on the French Theatre from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. Edited by Alan Howe and Richard Waller.Le Destin extraordinaire du baron de Trenck. Edited by Richard Bolster.Journal of My Life. By Jacques‐Louis Menetra. Edited by Daniel Roche. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer.Jean Calns. By Marie‐Joseph de Chenier. Edition critique par Malcolm Cook.Contesparodiques et licencieux du I8e siecle. Textes reunis et presentes par Raymonde Robert.Le Philosophe sans le savoir. By Michel‐Jean Sedaine. Edited by Graham Rodmell.Was aber (bleibet) stiften die Dichter? Zur Dichtertheologie der Goethezeit. Edited by Gerard vom Hofe, Peter Pfaff, Hermann Timm.Literarische Basisoffentlichkeit als politiscke Kraft. Lesegesellschaften des 17ten bis 19ten Jahrhunderts unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des ldten Jahrhunderts. By Robert Galitz.Modern Drama and German Classicism: Renaissance from Lessing to Brecht. By Benjamin Bennett.Jacques‐Louis David. By Anita Brookner.

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