
This review paper is prepared with objective of to revise scientific information about how carrying capacity of a grazing land calculated in tropical Africa. An animal unit month (AUM) is the amount of dry forage one mature cow of approximately 250kg with a calf requires for one month in the tropical countries. Stocking rate is commonly stated as hectare per animal unit month (AUM) or its reciprocal, AUM's per hectare. One Tropical Livestock Unit (TLU) denotes the feed requirement of a standard animal of a certain live weight (usually 250 kg). Carrying capacity can be calculated either by Animal Unit Equivalents or Average Animal Weight. The steps followed to calculate stocking rate using Animal Unit Equivalents are determining total production of the area, calculating total “available” forage by using the “take half, leave half” method, either divide total production by 2, or multiply by 0.5, determine kilograms of forage eaten by cattle per month, calculate proper stocking rate for cattle, convert for Animal type you are using with Animal Unit Equivalents, and lastly calculating number of animals you can keep over the time needed consecutively. I case of Average Animal Weight Method the steps followed are determining total production of the area, calculate total “available” forage, calculate the required forage for the animal, regardless of the breed or species, and determine the daily and monthly forage requirement for their size by using the conversion factor of 2.667%, calculate proper stocking rate for class of livestock you are using and lastly determining the number of animals you can graze over the time needed.

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