
ABSTRACT The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has developed the HEC-River Analysis System (RAS) hydraulic channel flow model as part of its portfolio of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling tools. HEC-RAS is a new version with capabilities to model flooding, modeling for agriculture production computations for water quality, and many more related to hydraulic modeling. The analysis components of the HEC-RAS system include one-dimensional steady flow water surface profile computations, one-dimensional and or two-dimensional unsteady flow simulation, one-dimensional and two-dimensional computations of quasi-unsteady or fully unsteady flow movable boundary sediment transport, and one-dimensional water quality analysis. The main objective of this paper is to review the use of HEC-RAS on flooding, agriculture, and water quality. The three primary components of the data input are plan data, geometry data, and flow data. Three of these scenarios applied to HEC-RAS and were proven by previous reviewers.

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