
Innovation is doing new things, which leads to change. With the growth in information technology, the world has revolutionized. It has actually changed the way of communication, of doing business, of transacting and even of thinking. The impact of information technology especially internet is visible everywhere in almost all domains like hospitality, education, banking, etc. Banking sector has diversely grown. It has been offering various services to the customers. In this paper we will see how much banks and the customers are comfortable using the Internet banking, what kind of services are being offered by various banks, why people were and are rigid, hesitant and reluctant to accept e-banking, what factors and initiative banks should take to bring customers towards e-banking. This paper presents a systematic review of more than 60 research papers which will start from the basic benefits for adopting internet banking, to the issues involved in the same specifically related to the security. To make a decision on the usage of internet banking the most imperative aspect is security. There are various security threats and there are multiple researches going on for providing a better security measure. Rational of the review- Discrete geographical locations are considered to comprehend the consumers’ behaviour for adopting ebanking. To scrutinize factors which affect customer adoption of online banking system and how this issue can be resolved? The objectives of my study are as follow:  Explore the Online Banking Sector and the Security Issues faced by them.  Analyze the Impact of Security on the End Users.  Anticipate the Security threats, which can hamper the information. Review methodology- Literature has been taken from IEEE, ScienceDirect, Emerald Fulltext, Springer, ACM, and various other journals. The search engines Google Scholar and Scopus were also used to ensure coverage of publications in other databases. Conference papers, masters theses, textbooks have also been incorporated. The following criteria were used to search these sources and select the papers:  The keywords Internet banking, adoption, security, security threats, security measures, online transaction and acceptance were used to search the titles and abstracts of the papers  Only openly accessible studies were taken due to permission restrictions from the publishers. To comprehend the role of internet in banking sector a conceptual approach is used 66 articles were selected for classification. It has been categorized into 3 categories Adoption (26), Security threats (16) and security solutions (24). Findings- To enhance adoption rates a framework is proposed to establish a strategy. It also analyzes the customer’s viewpoint towards security. To observe various reasons for actually opting for internet banking

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