
Flotation of low ranked/oxidized coal becomes difficult with oily collectors. The prime factor parts accounted by lessening in coal hydrophobicity are the occurrence of polar hydrocarbons groups (hydroxyl, carbonyl, phenol and peroxides) on the coal surface. The up-gradation in coal flotation has been achieved due to the enhancement in hydrophobicity by pretreatments. The dry coal is conditioned with the pretreatment steps of grinding, mixing/conditioning, ultra sound, thermal treatment, microwave and direct mixing of the chemical reagents prior to wetting. These are the pretreatments methods among them grinding, mixing/conditioning are contemplated to separate the oxidized film coating on the coal particles surfaces. The separations of impurities are also indicated from ultra-sonic treatment. The Separation of pore/hydration water and hydroxyl functional groups through coal surface is accounted by microwave and thermal pretreatments. The procedure regarding direct contact produce the oxidize coal evaded for collector deposit on coal surface. The interception generally rises from hydration carapace on coal surface; in this duration, coal surface is wetted by water. The present research study is highlighted to see the distinct pretreatment steps effects on the rate of coal flotation. It is a welcome result declaration with highly precise evaluation.

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