
The objective of this paper is to review the Role of Integrated Watershed Management for Rehabilitation Degraded Land in Ethiopia, Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) has been identified as a key for planning and management of natural resources in mountain ecosystems. It provides an ecologically sound economic base for the watersheds and its people. The livelihood of Ethiopia people living in the watershed cultivated watersheds is being threatened. Policies and strategies must urgently be developed to reverse present trends of land degradation. A recent impact assessment also showed the PSNP public works in Tigray region: reduced sediment in streams by40-53% in areas closed to grazing and cultivation; increased woody biomass and forage production three to four-fold; increased water availability and quality; increased ground water recharge and improved downstream base flow of streams; lessened damage from seasonal floods; enhanced down-stream crop production through soil and water conservation interventions; increased stored carbon; increased biodiversity, and increased social cohesion by improving livelihoods. The main challenge facing watershed management is lack of sufficient capacity at all levels of government structures (federal, regional, district and Keeble) to implement the new and sustainable approaches, while the intervention needs of the watersheds. Agronomic measures include mulching and crop management, which use the effect of surface covers to reduce erosion by water and wind (Morgan, 2005). Some possible agronomic measures are strip cropping, mixed cropping, intercropping, fallowing, mulching, contour plugging, grazing management and agro-forestry. Agronomic conservation measures help in reducing the impact of rain drops through interception and thus increasing infiltration rates and thereby reducing surface runoff. Keywords : land degradation, integrated watershed management, soil and water conservation DOI : 10.7176/JBAH/9-11-02 Publication date :June 30 th 2019

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