
Abstract Quantum theory is the first quantisation, and quantum field theory is the second quantisation. Mukhopadhyay’s concept theory is the third quantisation in theoretical physics. Recently, few discoveries in third quantisation are performed and reported by Mukhopadhyay as author. In this review work, the inventions in third quantisation are summarised and briefly mentioned by Mukhopadhyay. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) under the Department of Space (Government of India) has highly smart launch-statistics in the Indian-space-programmes. The inventions in third quantisation have significant impact towards the rocket-science of Indian-space-programmes and Indian-missile-programmes. Also, the possibility of Multiverse in third quantisation is briefly mentioned. The possibility of time-machine as future space vehicle for long-range space-missions is also briefly mentioned from the aspect of third quantisation. Time-machine may be implemented in the Indian-space-programmes in future. This review work may be helpful to solve many other extreme problems in physics in future. Keywords: Concept theory; Third quantisation; Uncertainty principle; Multiverse; Time machine; Indian-space-programmes Cite this Article Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay. Review on the Inventions in Third Quantisation with the Possibility of Time-Machine to be implemented in the Indian-Space-Programmes under the Department of Space (Government of India). Trends in Opto-electro & Optical Communication . 2020; 10(2): 26–31p.

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