
The prosthesis consists of several essential parts such as socket, shank, ankle, and foot. A socket is an important part of prosthetic limbs; it is an interface between the residual limb and prosthetic parts. Biomechanics of socket-residual limb interface, particularly the effect of pressure and force distribution, has on the amputee regarding comfort and function. The most demanding process is designing and fitting of the socket. This is because each patient’s residual limb is unique and complex. It is very significant to take into account the interface pressure of an amputee patient. The prosthetic socket dispenses the entire weight of the amputee’s torso while in the walking cycle. This is why it is vital to measure the quantity of these interface stresses to measure the amount of damage the socket imposes on the residual limb tissues. Different types of methods have been utilized to identify the locations of extreme stresses that might cause skin breakdown. A comparison of stress distributed in a number of socket designs was made to assess interface cushioning and suspension systems, among others.

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