
Purpose: Review on surgical affections of respiratory system and thoracic cavity in dogs
 Findings: There are many surgical conditions which are conducted on respiratory system and thoracic cavity in dogs. Among these, Brachycephalic dog syndrome, tracheotomy, tracheostomy, tracheal anastomosis, thoracotomy, thoracocentesis, and preicardioectomy. Before conducting any surgical condition, the nature and extent of the respiratory tract should be examined including historical information, suggestive signs of respiratory tract abnormalities, intended use of the animal, prognosis, complication, availability of the equipments, over all preoperative assessment and economic feasibility should be considered. In addition, the physical examination should include evaluation of regional symmetry of the head, neck, and thorax; evaluation of nasal airflow and patency; palpation of the nasal septum, larynx, and trachea; examination for surgical scars auscultation and percussion. Following thorough and systematic examination of the animals at rest, during and following motion may be warranted. Special examination techniques, including endoscopy, stress evaluation, and radiography, may be indicated.
 Unique Contributions to Theory Practice and Policy: Even though there are many physiological derangements due to surgical intervention in respiratory system and thoracic cavity in dogs, it may be healed through primary and secondary intention of healing under aseptic surgical condition. There are also many post operative cares for animals’ undergone surgical activity on respective and specific organs.

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