
Spider web is the strongest polymer bio-fiber used in making bullet proof clothing, light-weight clothing, rope, nets, seat belts, parachutes, biodegradable material and optical industry. While in agriculture spider web act as biological control agent and reduce plant damage by insect pests. At the same time in medical field it has applications as biodegradable carrier, artificial tendon or ligaments supports for weak blood vessels and making bandages and surgical threads. The regenerative potential of silk is used in repair of peripheral nerve injury. Spider silk is also used in drug delivery and human bone marrow stromal cell and ligament fibroblast responses on Rat Genome Database. Mixture of spider dust with different medicinal plant can cure various types of diseases while spider silk acts as wound healer, as it is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial in nature. Spider webs have many beneficial applications to human hence, work on spider silk is essential.

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