
Mental health disorders are mentioned as 3rd health burden in India according to WHO survey. Generalized anxiety disorders are a chronic anxiety disorder characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry and anxiety about everyday life events and situations. In Ayurveda many psychological disorders are mentioned in Samhitas. Terms like Asvastha Chitta, Chittavimbhramsa, Chittodvega etc. seems similar to Generalized anxiety disorder, however Chittodvega seems to be nearest correlation for this disease entity. Acharya Charaka has listed Chittodvega as Manas Dosha Vikara. People with symptoms of Generalized anxiety disorder always tend to expect failure and can't stop worrying, Clinical trials have shown that anxiolytic drugs alone have limited long-term efficacy. Moreover, they often have adverse side effects including dependency, drowsiness, impaired cognition and memory and sexual dysfunction. Being an alarming disease GAD needs an effective management. Nowadays Yoga is considered as a popular approach to improve emotional health. Yoga, a form of holistic mind–body medicine, that includes the use of physical postures (Asanas), breathing practices (Pranayamas), meditations, relaxation techniques and lifestyle changes based on ancient yogic philosophy. Pranayama should be practiced to remove the blockages and to lift you out of the Tamasik and Rajasik states. Asanas empathizes physical strength and helps to maintain balance between mind and body. Yoga helps to restraint unnecessary mental fluctuations and thus helps in stabilizing and calming the mind. Thus it might be an effective and safe intervention for individuals with GAD.

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