
The choice of drugs to initiate therapy for the management of hypertension remains contentious and diu retics are central to this controversy. Because most of the major trials involve complex treatment algorithms and allow diverse background treatments, one of the greatest challenges lies in separating out true class specific effects – for example, separati ng true class - specific effects of diuretics from those of beta blockers . Thiazide diuretics were the first tolerated efficient antihypertensive drugs that significantly reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in placebo - controlled clinical studies. Although these drugs today still are considered a fundamental therapeutic tool for the treatment of hypertensive patients. A description of successful use of diuretics in specific edematous states, such as congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, and liver disease, is followed by a brief discussion of the management of resistant edema and the use of diuretics in non edematous states, including essential hypertension and other conditions. The elements required to successfully ach ieve adequate natriuresis under such conditions are analyzed. Because achieving diuresis may result in significant hypokalemi a, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis, and worsening prerenal azotemia, the prevention and management of these complications of diur etic therapy are also reviewed.

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