
Kumud the herb mentioned with different names in Nighantu is one of the herbs useful in Rakta and Pitta Doshas. It is well known herb in ayurveda with many medicinal properties. Blue lotus, red and blue aquatic plant, star lotus, or manel flower are number of the common names for it. It is also called as Indian Blue lotus. It belongs to the southern and eastern parts of Asia, and also known as the national flower of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Its Sanskrit name is utpala. It is a well-known herb found in Indian classical text and also used in Siddha medicinal system. Due to its bitter taste, it is widely used in pitta disorders and helps in reducing fever as well as acts as a cooling agent for the body. Many studies showed it hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antidiabetic, DNA protecting activities, antimicrobial activities, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activities along with its traditional uses.The present review focus on modern pharmacological actions of traditional herb.

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