
The word Parni means leaf. Parni Chatustaya is the four type of leaves indicating the name of the medicinal plants; viz Shalaparni, Prishni Parni, Mudga Parni and Masha Parni. Acharya P.V Sharma has mentioned the Parni Chatustaya in the Priya Nighantu. The pharmacological actions of these four medicinal plants are Balya(Tonic- Promote strength), Vrishya(Acts as aphrodisiac), Rasayana effect(Act as tissue vitalizer). These plants alleviate the Shosha(Emaciation), Daha(Burning sensation), Jwara(Fever). Shalaparni(Desmodium gangeticum (Linn), DC) means its leaves resembles the shape of the Shala(Shorea robusta Gaertn) tree(Leaf is ovate in shape). The Prishniparni(Ureria picta Desv) means it has very few leaves and painted with colors. The Mudgaparni(Phaseolus trilobus Ait) can live and easily be boiled even with very little quantity of water. This type of Mudga will grow against all odds i.e even in forests. The Mashaparni(Teramnus labialis Spreng) leaves resemble those of Masha(Phaseolus mungo Linn). Here an attempt was made to…

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