
Abstract: Odour can be defined as a perception of smell or in scientific terms it can be defined as a sensation resulting from the reception of stimulus by the olfactory sensory system. Odours may cause pleasant or unpleasant sensation and is induced by inhaling volatile organic and inorganic odorants. The sources of odour may be air-borne or water-borne. Foul odour may cause ill health or respiratory symptoms, insomnia, asthama, nausea and discomfort and other environmental nuisance. Odours can be assessed either by sensory measurements or analytical measurements. There are various physical, chemical and biological treatments for odour abatement. The release of unpleasant odours from sewage carrier system as well as sewage treatment system has become a great public concern especially among densely populated countries. These odours cause environmental nuisance and severe damage to locals. Odour is an important physical characteristic of both water and wastewater. Thus, it requires significant attention in terms of measurement as well as abatement. This study reviews the various odour measurement and abatement techniques.

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