
In modern age of information explosion, every day millions of gigabytes of data are generated in the form of documents, web pages, e-mail, social media text, blogs etc., so importance of effective and efficient Natural Language Processing techniques become crucial for an information retrieval system, text summarization, sentiment analysis, information extraction, named entity recognition, relationship extraction, social media monitoring, text mining, language translation program, and question answering system. Natural Language Processing is a computational technique applies different levels of linguistic analysis for representing natural language into a useful representation for further processing. NLP is recognized as a challenging task in computer science and artificial intelligence because understanding human natural language is not only depends on the words but how those words are linked together to form precise meaning is also considered. Regardless of language being one of the easiest concepts for human to learn, but for training computers to understand natural language is a difficult task due to the ambiguity of language syntax and semantics. Natural Language processing techniques involves processing documents or text which reduces storage space and also reduces the size of index and understanding the given information which satisfies user’s need. NLP techniques improve the performance of the information retrieval efficiency and effective documentation processes. Common dialect handling procedures incorporates tokenization, stop word expulsion, stemming, lemmatization, parts of discourse labeling, lumping and named substance recognizer which enhances execution of NLP applications. The Natural Language Toolkit is the best possible solution for learning the ropes of NLP domain. NLTK, a collection of application packages which encourage researchers and learners in natural language processing, computational linguistics and artificial intelligence.

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