
AbstractEthics is a moral principle that governs a system. Research ethics may be defined as doing what is morally and legally right in research. Despite dealing with human beings, homoeopathy research deals with human clinical, pre-clinical (drug proving) trials, preclinical animal studies, veterinary studies and plant studies that demand varied ethical strategies. The importance of ethics in medical research is mandated to avoid adverse events before, during and after the trials. Ethics in medical practice and medical research is based on Nuremberg's Code and Declaration of Helsinki. The two major guidelines in the homoeopathic medical research publications are Reporting data on Homeopathic treatments (RedHot): A supplement to Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT) for clinical trials and Reporting Experiments in Homeopathic Basic Research (REHBaR). This article discusses the evolution of ethics in medical research, principles of ethics, components to be considered pre-trial, during and post-trial. The evolution of strategies based on the principles of ethics in medical research is correlated.

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