
This review determines the introduction to emulsomes, need to the invention, advantages, disadvantages, formulation of the emulsomes, methods of preparation and application of emulsomes. In the recent years attention has been focused on development of vesicular drug delivery system. These emulsomes provide the drug release in a controlled and sustained manner up to 24 hours, whereas the liposomes have shown release up to the mark of 6 hours. Emulsomes comes under the category of the vesicular drug delivery system and these are mainly developed for the purpose to overcome poor bioavailability, protection from harsh gastric environment and from gastric enzymes, which mainly degrade the drug molecules. The success of the emulsomes is for the delivery of drugs to fight against viral infections, fungal infections, dermal therapy, cancer, auto immunity. Mainly the drug is enclosed in the emulsomes and provide existence of drug in systemic circulation. Emulsomal based formulations of genetic drugs, antisense oligonucleotides and plasmids for gene therapy having proper and clear potential for systemic utility are increasingly available.

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