
A huge population of the world is affected with diabetes. Diabetes have become one of the most commonly witnessed diseases or disorder. There are only control measures and there is no actual treatment for Diabetes. It is caused due to genetic / inheritance or autoimmune diseases. Uncontrolled diet could also be a cause for type II diabetes. There are three types - type I, type II, Gestational diabetes where type - I is no production or very low synthesis of insulin and type - II is the lack of insulin or insulin resistance. The type - II can be managed by the diet controls whereas type - I highly requires insulin management. So, there is a huge need for continuous glucose monitoring. There are several glucose monitoring devices and some real time continuous glucose monitoring. There are various technologies with different advantages. The non-invasive CGM would be most preferable, yet has several disadvantages. The availability and cost effectiveness of CGM is still questionable. This review paper consists of the various methods of use such as transimpedance amplifiers, amperometric glucose sensors, filtering algorithm methods of Continuous glucose monitoring, NIR Optical absorption spectroscopy methods, dielectric property, Tz spectroscopy.

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