
Bagworms (Lepidotera: pyschidae) can be termed as switching pest, is a polyphagus defoliator of economically and ecologically beneficial plants traced in varied host ranging from ornamental plants to huge forest trees. Life history of some species studied intensively had revealed the potentiality of this phytophagus family. Case of bagworm been a salient characteristic of psychidae was known to utilize by tribes of Bastar for annual rainfall determination. Bagworm infestations were examined by many workers in selected region of Chhattisgarh and Kerala. Newly emerging pest of Indian forest has the potential to cause huge ecological and economical damage as proved earlier in region of Uttrakhand (Tons valley), Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. Control measure specific to Indian species of bagworm is needed to deal the prevailing situation. The Indian peninsula and Himalayan region had remained untouched for exploration related to bagworms biodiversity. The available literature points clearly towards the need to initiate and explore more on behavior, biology, prevalence and integrated strategic methods to control bagworms infestation.

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