
Trichomonasisis one of the most common sexually transmitted disease(STD) in the countriesmostly for females, caused by a move protozoa parasitic infection called Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis)and cause vaginal discharge for femalesalsorising of dysuria. Humans are the only recognized infected with thisparasite transmitted via vaginal sexually intercourse. people who infected with nosighs can transmite the trichomonasis to other people. The infection with trichomoniasisgreatly damages the reproductive system,Trichmoniasis has important medical, social , and economical implication. It is reported to be more than 280 million annual cases globally. T.vaginalis holds the distinction of being the only parasite infection transmitted sexually in humans. It is a highly effective disease. The present study aim to throw more light on the epidemiological of T. vaginalis infection. Where,this study article related to the prevalence of T. vaginals among Iraqi people in period from (2013-2023) were studied in different governanceofIraq.These type of epidemiological studies are recommended to assess the epidemiological situation of trichomonasis in the way to implement appropriate control measures where needed.Results of data analysis reveals different rate of infection by this parasite in Iraqi governance.Itconcludesthe variation in parasitic infection rates among studies can be interpreted on the basis of geographical location of Iraqi governorates, size of population, Tourist cities, industrial cities, rate of female/male in population, personal hygiene, education levels. In addition, various sampling techniques and research methodologies, all consider markers could demonstrate the causes for the varies in the data of parasitic infection in different researchs.

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