
Definitely the title of the volume ”Bărbatul și femeia. imaginea unei polemici cu privire la echitatea de gen” [The Man and the Woman. The Image of a Controversy Regarding Gender Equity], which is authored by Iulian Apostu and Cristina Georgiana Petrescu, published by Lumen Publishing House in Iași, Romania, in 2017, would make us think of a whole series of statements full of flavor and candor about social reality and about the eternal contradiction between man and woman, but no, the book is not about conflict, vanity, quarrels. It is about the essence of men's coexistence with women, about egalitarianism explained with charm and attention to detail. In the 157 pages you can't help but find yourself, it's impossible not to empathize with the authors and you end up with some passages that you might use in order to enter into a dialogue with your own person and you don't know why. And the answer, of course, also comes from the pages of the book, which through the structure of the chapters takes the topics one by one, fixes them, capitalizes on them and places them in contexts that you identify with without doubt and are topical in today's society.

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