
As the most primitive vertebrates, lampreys are significant in understanding the early origin and evolution of the vertebrate innate and adaptive immune systems. The complement system is a biological response system with complex and precise regulatory mechanisms and plays an important role in innate and adaptive immunity. It consists of more than 30 distinct components, including intrinsic components, regulatory factors, and complement receptors. Complement system is the humoral backbone of the innate immune defense and complement-like factors have also been found in cyclostomes. Our knowledge as such in lamprey has dramatically increased in the recent years. The searching for complement components in the reissner lamprey Lethenteron reissneri genome database, together with published data, has unveiled the existence of all the orthologues of mammalian complement components identified thus far, including the complement regulatory proteins and complement receptors, in lamprey. This review, summarizes the key themes and recent updates on the complement system of agnathans and discusses the individual complement components of lampreys, and critically compare their functions to that of mammalian complement components. Interestingly, the adaptive immune system of agnathans differs from that of gnathostomes. Lamprey complement components also display some distinctive features, such as lampreys are characterized by the variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs)-based alternative adaptive immunity. This review may serve as important literature for deducing the evolution of the immune system from invertebrates to vertebrates.

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