
For today's Ukraine, in connection with the objective need to continue the transformation of society under the influence of globalization processes and war, the need to continue administrative reform, the harmonization of national legislation with European legislation and other challenges of today, there is a demand to review the subject of legal regulation of administrative law, and in in this context, the use of foreign administrative-legal doctrine acquires special importance. Regarding the scope of this use, the majority of domestic scientists are inclined to the approach according to which the borrowing of foreign experience should be creative, that is, ideas and models should be applied taking into account national characteristics. The content of the special part of administrative law, taking into account the tasks that are entrusted to this part of administrative law among the scientific community, currently differ significantly. This phenomenon arises as a result of the multifaceted and complex nature of administrative law as a science. Representatives of the scientific community have different approaches to understanding the subfields and institutions that form the basis of a special part of administrative law. This may be related to the specifics of legal systems, historical, political or socio-cultural factors affecting the development of this branch of law.

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