
Summary The taxonomic history of the yellow-green algae is reviewed with emphasis on classification above the rank of genus. Numerous nomenclatural situations in need of rectification or clarification are discussed. At the ordinal level Heterocapsales is rejected because Heterocapsa is a genus of dinoflagellates. As a substitute name Heterogloeales is proposed. At the family level Hetero-gloeaceae is proposed to replace Heterocapsaceae, an invalid name, while Heterococcaceae is proposed to replace both Heterocloniaceae, an invalid name, and Heterodendraceae, an illegitimate name. At the generic level Brachynematella is proposed as a substitute name for the later homonym Brachynema Alvik , Sphagnoikos for the later homonym Fremya P. A. Dangeard , Heterocalycina for the later homonym Heterocalyx Bursa , Xanthonema for the later homonym Heterothrix Pascher , and Radiosphaerella for the later homonym Radiosphaera Pascher . Meringosphaera subg. Eumeringosphaera sect. Raphidosphaera is elevated to generic rank. The type species of Bumilleria is shown to be B. borziana Wille rather than the universally cited B. sicula Borzi . The type species of Characiopsis is shown to be C. borziana Lemmeemann rather than C. minuta ( Braun ) Borzi or (C. pyriformis ( Braun ) Borzi . The type species of Neonema is shown to be N. quadratum Pascher rather than N. pumilum (W. and G. S. West ) Pascher . The type species of Pseudo-staurastrum is shown to be P. enorme ( Ralfs ) Chodat rather than P. hastatum ( Reinsch ) Bourrelly . A summary of names of higher taxa in the yellow-green algae is appended. For each name is given an indication of its status in accordance with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and a general guide to its application.

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