
Recently, double-wire gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process is more and more prevalently employed in industrial applications and attracted many academic researches. This paper reviewed the recent trends of researches and applications of this process. Three main aspects were included in this paper. The first was the operational process analysis of the process, and the reviewing work was divided into two catalogues: twin-wire GMAW process and tandem GMAW process, which were two main energy delivery and control formations of the process. This part focused on some negative phenomena, such as arc interruption, during the welding process and their effects on the products quality and process stability. Some works about using different current waveforms combinations and their effects on the welding process were discussed. Also, the works of numerical simulation for this process were mentioned in this part. The second part was about process stability monitoring, and corresponding works focused on establishing quantitative process stability estimation model. The last was the improvement of process control method, and the works mainly focused on the adjustment and modulation of the current waveforms, in order to eliminate negative phenomena, improve the process stability and obtain the products with high quality. Finally, some suggestions about future works were presented. This paper can provide references and enlightens for current academic researches or actual industrial applications in the double-wire GMAW process relative areas.


  • Welding technology is very important in modern industrial manufacturing occasions, and to maintain the competitiveness and technological leadership, manufacturing industries and welding scholars are always looking for novel processes to increase the welding productivity [1]

  • This paper mainly focused on these two common types of double-wire gas metal arc welding (GMAW) processes, other recent sophisticated forms, such as double-electrode GMAW process, or integrated power source mode which combined the twin-wire and tandem forms [14], are not included

  • WORKS This work reviewed the recent trends of operational characteristics analysis, process monitoring and improvement of control methods for the double-wire GMAW process, and the operational characteristics analysis was to serve the latter two aspects

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Welding technology is very important in modern industrial manufacturing occasions, and to maintain the competitiveness and technological leadership, manufacturing industries and welding scholars are always looking for novel processes to increase the welding productivity [1]. According to corresponding experiment analysis, the work concluded that the effect of phase difference of the currents between two wires on weld appearance and provided the relative reasons.

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