
Main characters of Nuntiella bidigitata Zhang, sp. nov. are reflected in these figures, such as uncus bifurcated from apical 1/3, valva with neck about half as wide as its base, cucullus broad oblong in the male genitalia, and sterigma with posterior margin straight, ostium located on anterior half of sterigma, ductus bursae distinctly shorter than half of corpus bursae and corpus bursae elongate oval in the female genitalia. • The genus Nuntiella Kuznetzov is reviewed. • Nuntiella bidigitata sp. nov. is described as new. • The three previously described species of Nuntiella are summarized. • A key to all species of Nuntiella is given based on characters of male genitalia. The genus Nuntiella Kuznetzov is reviewed. Nuntiella bidigitata sp. nov. is described as new with illustrations of adult male and female genitalia provided. The three previously described species are summarized with detailed references, distribution information, and diagnostic characters. A key to all the species of Nuntiella is given based on the characters of male genitalia.

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