
Fifty-nine moment–rotation tests on bolted beam-to-column joints between pultruded glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) profiles form the basis of the review. Joint test methods are discussed. The joints are sub-divided into five groups. The joints in each group are described and their test data appraised. Sketches of the joints and summaries of the test data are presented in tables. Three broadly similar categories of joint (web cleat, web and flange cleat and high stiffness and strength joints) are identified. For each category, the joint test data—initial rotational stiffness, ultimate moment and ultimate rotation—are compared. The variations in the test data highlight the need for further testing of a variety of nominally identically in order to improve both understanding of joint behaviour and joint design. A round robin exercise, in consultation with pultruders, fabricators and designers, is suggested as a means of achieving this goal.

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