
Review of Survey activities 2013


  • Perhaps a future geologist searching for fossils in the Faxe quarry

  • Frontispiece: facing page In 2012 and 2013 GEUS carried out field work in North Greenland

  • Citation of the name of this series It is recommended that the name of this series is cited in full, viz. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin

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19 The Lower Palaeozoic shale gas play in Denmark

23 Seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary architecture of the Chalk Group in south-west Denmark. 27 A novel technique for obtaining representative water samples during CO2 core-flooding experiments on chalk at reservoir conditions. 31 Calcareous nannofossil and foraminifer biostratigraphy of the Campanian–Maastrichtian chalk of the Femern Bælt (Denmark–Germany). 35 Palynological and microfossil biostratigraphy and palaeoecology over the Paleocene–Eocene transition, Femern Bælt, northern Germany. 39 Ribbed moraines formed during the retreat of the Scandinavian ice sheet from eastern Himmerland, NE Jylland, Denmark

43 Arctic plant remains of Weichselian age from the Danish North Sea
95 To what extent is Denmark vulnerable to mineral supply shortage?
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