
Blast threatening and blast event hazards increased dramatically on both scales of artificial or even those occurring unintentionally like accidents in sites highly exposed to such events like petrochemical facilities. Hence designing blast-proof structures to save the lives of the occupants of these structures undergoing blast events became an important criterion. One side for achieving this purpose is designing resisting structures to such events. One of the most common types of structures that are widely used is steel stud wall panels. Steel stud wall systems (SSWSs) are a preferable alternative due to the structural and architectural merits of this system. Despite they are steel structures, they still have the advantages of light weight structures. Especially that the main structural members of the system, are usually made from cold formed steel with small sheet thicknesses. This research is fundamentally concerned with providing literature view pertaining to previous works done to this point as research. At the end of the paper a conclusion is withdrawn that indicates some fields about the design of SSWSs that are not discussed yet nor investigated before and that are still valid for future works.

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