
River dolphins are among the world's most seriously endangered species, and the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), endemic to the Yangtze River, China, is likely to become extinct in the near future. Here we review the status of the obligate river dolphins (baiji, bhulan, Platanista minor, susu, Platanista gangetica, and boto, Inia geoffrensis), discuss the threats they face, and present recommendations for their conservation. River dolphins are particularly vulnerable to the activities of humans because of their restricted habitat. Threats vary geographically in their importance, but generally include accidental killing during fishing operations, depletion of prey from over-exploitation, and habitat loss and population fragmentation from water development. Deliberate killing for dolphin products also threatens the animals in some areas. Recommendations include (among others) the following: (i) establishing meaningful protected areas, (ii) raising public awareness on the ecological and cultural value of river dolphins, (iii) training local workers in conservation techniques, (iv) managing fisheries to reduce accidental killing and ensure the sustainability of prey, and (v) adopting conservation strategies that incorporate the ecological integrity of riverine environments.Key words: River dolphins, Platanista, Lipotes, Inia, Orcaella, Neophocaena, Sotalia, water development, river ecosystems.

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