
Monograph of S.O. Halyuk. "Constitutional-legal status of the Supreme Council of Justice in Ukraine: doctrine, concepts, elements" is a comprehensive, systematic, author's study devoted to the analysis of the constitutional-legal status of the Supreme Council of Justice in Ukraine.The relevance of this study is determined by the historical period of the formation of Ukrainian statehood. After all, Ukraine's gaining of independence and subsequent adoption of the Constitution became the foundation of transformations and changes both in society and in the state. It was the Constitution of Ukraine that provided a new impetus for the creation and reform of state bodies, which was conditioned by the development and optimization of both their areas of activity and the set of assigned tasks, the outline of the set of powers, etc. One of the priority areas of reform was changes in the system of judicial authorities, because the process that began with the declaration of Ukraine's independence is being implemented to this day.In addition, taking into account the European course chosen by Ukraine, which is enshrined in the Constitution, compliance with the basic requirements for the judicial system involves ensuring the independence of judges, a clear and clear system of filling judicial positions, the creation of an appropriate infrastructure that will ensure the needs of the judiciary, access to justice, and clarity of the procedural order consideration of cases based on the principles of the rule of law and legality. The High Council of Justice was formed in Ukraine precisely for the purpose of strengthening the independence of the judicial system.

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