
ADHD is a neuro‐developmental disorder that is diagnosed in 3 to 6% of the childhood population in a diversity of cultures and a variety of geographical locations. It presents as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity‐impulsivity, with boys being over‐represented by approximately 3 to 1. High levels of comorbidity between ADHD and a number of other disorders, including Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, and learning disabilities, have been identified. This review will examine the historical development of the understanding of ADHD, knowledge of its etiology, and most importantly contribute to raising awareness of the influence of this disorder in the school environment. The literature will be used to provide evidence of the difficulties that children diagnosed with ADHD experience in the behavioral components needed for academic success, and the role that teachers might play in the process of identification, assessment, and management of this disorder. Finally, this review will examine the implications of these findings for the provision of training of teachers in regards to ADHD.

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