
Ayurveda is science of life. Ayurveda not only focuses on curing of diseased individual but also gives importance to maintenance of health of healthy person.Ayurveda is basically divided in Ashtangas (Eight Appendages). All these Ashtangas represents specific field of expertise in Ayurveda context. Out of these eight, Kaumarbhritya is field related to care of children. Kashyap Samhita is considered as the masterpiece of texts related to Kaumarbhritya. Kashyap Samhita was written by Acharya Kashyap, in the same time during which Charak Samhita was written.Rasashastra is study of use of metallic and mineral compounds for preparation of mineral & herbomineral formulations. References of Rasashastra being a specialty are found in classical texts since 800 A.D. But, there are some references scattered in various Samhitas regarding use of Rasashastra Dravyas. Kashyap Samhita being one of the old Samhitas is also not an exception to this. In this review article, an attempt was made regarding unveiling the references of Rasashastra Dravya in Kashyap Samhita and it was noted that a lot of references of Rasashastra Dravya are there in Kashyap Samhita in form of either internal administration or external application or for giving Drushtant (example).Â


  • Ayurveda is science of health focused on curing of diseased individual; rather, it is a science of life

  • Kashyap Samhita was written by Acharya Kashyap, in the same time during which Charak Samhita was written

  • Kashyap have covered other entities of A yurveda as well. It becomes clear from screening of Kashyap Samhita that metals like Gold, Iron and mineral compounds like Shilajatu and Shankha were used in internal as well as external administration

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Ayurveda is science of health focused on curing of diseased individual; rather, it is a science of life. The primary aim of A yurveda is maintenance of health of healthy person while curing diseased person is a secondary objective.(1). To achieve these objectives, A yurveda treaties have led a few principles on which A yurveda system works. A yurveda treaties have led a few principles on which A yurveda system works In Kaumarbhritya facts related to child care right from childbirth is studied. Kashyap Samhita focuses their importance on child care, and there are some references which make it complete from A shtanga Ayurved point of view

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