
Research activities are based up on research paradigms such as positivism, interpretivism, critical paradigm and pragmatism. The paradigm is based on the four components of research paradigms: such as ontology, epistemology, axiology and methodology. The research paradigms suggest different research methodologies on how to approach reality, create knowledge, and values. Epistemological questions were also forwarded from investigator that direct to contestation on the option and appeal of objectivity, subjectivity, causality, validity and generalization of research findings. Educational activities are based on distinct theoretical viewpoints that have strong linkage with the epistemological and methodological research paradigms. Therefore, this study is intended to review the epistemological and methodological debates in educational research and its links to theoretical dimensions of educational theories. The study employed qualitative research approach in reviewing the existing research paradigms, and components of research paradigms, educational theory perspectives and continuous debates existing among these divergent philosophical thoughts. However, reality, knowledge and values are perceived to be contextual rather than universally agreed particularly in the contemporary global academic scenario. The study implies that though there are persistent debates concerning research paradigms; intermingling different research paradigms are vital to suggest solutions for social researches such as in educational problems. Keywords: Epistemology, interpretivism, methodology, ontology, positivism, pragmatism, research paradigm. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-28-01 Publication date: October 31 st 2022

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