
As a recognized third-generation neural network, the spiking neural network has high concurrency and complexity. Although the degree of research is still far from the previous generation of neural networks, spiking neural networks are excellent in performance and energy consumption. In this paper, the common spiking neural network simulation tools are reviewed. The most frequently used and mentioned tools are NEURON, NEST, and BRAIN. NEURON is more suitable for simulation based on biological applications, pays more attention to biological characteristics, and can support large-scale network simulation. Examples used in the official documentation are neural simulations of invertebrates and mammals. Large heterogeneous networks of point neurons or neurons with a few compartments are frequently simulated using NEST. In contrast to models that concentrate on the specific morphological and biophysical characteristics of individual neurons, NEST is appropriate for those that emphasize the dynamics, size, and structure of the nervous system. Brian was originally designed for research and teaching and is well suited as a teaching and presentation tool for simulating and observing the effects of different parameters for classical neural network projects such as picture classification. In addition, CSIM, SPLIT, SPINNAKER, and other tools also have their merits, but due to the low frequency of relevant references and lack of universality, this study will not give a detailed introduction.

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