
Menopausal symptoms are alarming call to more sincere attention to elderly women’s health. As lifespan is increased with developed medical facilities, women are living around 30 years in postmenopausal state with all the complaints of menopause and geriasis. In Ayurveda, menopause is depicted as “jarapakwa avastha” and rajonivrutti. Rajonivrutti janya laksana is a group of symptoms produced by degenerative changes in the body. Degenerative changes are dhatukshaya lakshana in Ayurveda. Vata dosha is dominant in the vridhha stage of life. Symptoms in menopausal phase like insomnia, anxiety, urinary symptoms, and osteoporotic changes are due to dominance of vata dosha. Along with that pitta dosha symptoms like hot flushes, irritability, etc are seen, during this phase. Thus, review and compilation of the work done at institute for post graduate teaching and research in ayurveda, Jamnagar on the topic was done to help future researchers to fulfil the lacunae and develop standard ayurvedic treatment protocol. The research work conducted on rajonivrutti avastha and its vyapada were collected and reviewed from Ayurvedic research data base, Jamnagar, Jamnagar Central Library and Department of Prasuti tantra and Stree roga, Jamnagar. Total 15 research works were conducted. Drugs having rasayana, deepana, pachana, medhya, balya, vayasthapana properties help in dhatukshaya janya lakshana pacification, vata- pitta doshhar, shrotoshodhana, and the process of formation of dhatu is benefited and ultimately resulting into delay aging process and related compilations. Menopausal syndrome can be well managed by ayurvedic treatment.

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