
Schizophrenia is characterized by the greatest degree of clinical deterioration in the first decade following onset of psychosis; in fact, deterioration begins even prior to the onset of frank psychotic symptomotology. While somewhat controversial, it appears that effective early antipsychotic treatment might limit the extent of such deterioration. The newer, atypical antipsychotics such as clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine appear to have antipsychotic efficacy at least equal to the traditional neuroleptics, but with a much more favorable side effect profile. Clozapine is also effective in treating neuroleptic–refractory schizophrenic patients. Data suggest that in comparison to conventional agents, treatment with atypical antipsychotics may be associated with a more benign course of schizophrenic illness. Whether these atypical antipsychotics are associated with greater efficacy in limiting clinical deterioration in schizophrenic illness than traditional neuroleptics is, however, unclear. The following questions will be addressed in this paper: (i) Do atypical antipsychotics differ from traditional neuroleptics in modifying the natural course of symptomatology in schizophrenic illness? (ii) Do atypical antipsychotics differ from typical neuroleptics in modifying the natural course of neurobiological and cognitive abnormalities in schizophrenic illness? (iii) Do atypical antipsychotics differ from typical neuroleptics in modifying the natural course of psychosocial dysfunction in schizophrenic illness? (iv) Are there differences between typical and atypical antipsychotics with regard to their effects on the cost of care and resource utilization? The implications of the answers to these questions for the long-term treatment of schizophrenia will be discussed.

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