
Digital Mozart Edition (DME) . Tobias Debuch, Managing Director; Christine Forstner, Yvonne Schwarte, Josef Erlinger, Online Team. URL: http://dme.mozarteum.at/DME/main/index.php?l=2 Like many online resources, the Digital Mozart Edition (DME) is a work in progress. That said, it already has much to offer, including material that for most people would previously have required a trip to one or more libraries, and much else not found in any library. The DME's plan of organization is explained on its home page as follows:1 > The Digital Mozart Edition (DME) is currently being developed at the Mozarteum Foundation Salzburg (ISM) in cooperation with the Packard Humanities Institute in Los Altos, California, USA. The DME wishes to provide access to the complete works of Wolfgang Amade Mozart (1756–1791) in digital format via the internet for study and performance purposes. Subprojects include editions of the musical works, which are presented in the form of the NMA Online 2 (online since 2006) and in the form of a fully digital music edition ( DME::Music , under development),3 an edition of the texts to Mozart's dramatic works ( DME::Librettos )4 as well as an edition of the letters by the Mozart family and documents related to the family and history of the foundation ( DME::Letters & Documents ).5 The digital services of the DME are supplemented by catalogs and databases related to the musical works and their sources including information on their history and reception ( DME::Sources & Documentation …

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