
Yemima Rosenthal, ed., Documents on the Foreign Policy of Israel, vol. 4, Israel State Archives, Jerusalem, 1986, lxxiii + 835 pp. and Companion Volume, lxxvii + 367 pp. Yaacov Shavit, The New Hebrew Nation: A Study in Israeli Heresy and Fantasy, Frank Cass, London, 1987. James S. Diamond, Homeland or Holy Land?: The “Canaanite” Critique of Israel, Indiana University Press, Bloomington‐Indianapolis, 1986. Mitchell Cohen, Zion and State: Nation, Class and the Shaping of Modern Israel, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1987, 322 pp. David Kushner, ed., Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period: Political, Social and Economic Transformation, Yad Izhak Ben‐Zvi, Jerusalem, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1986, 434 pp. Moshe Davis, ed., With Eyes Toward Zion, vol. 2: Themes and Sources in the Archives of the United States, Great Britain, Turkey and Israel, Praeger, New York, 1986, xxvi + 408 pp., notes, index. Michael J. Cohen, The Origins and Evolution of the Arab‐Zionist Conflict, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1987, 138 pp. Shimon Shamir, ed., The Jews of Egypt: A Mediterranean Society in Modern Times, Westview Press, Boulder and London, 1987, xxii + 304 pp. A selection of books on Zionism and the land of Israel, 1987 Documents on the History of Hibbat‐Zion and the Settlement of Eretz Israel (Hebrew), first compiled and edited by Alter Druyanov, new revised edition by Shulamit Laskov, The Institute for Zionist Research, Tel Aviv University/ Hakibbutz Hemeuchad, vol. 3, 699 pp.; vol. 4, 380 pp. Shabtai Teveth, The Zeal of David — The Life of David Ben‐Gurion, vol. 3: The Burning Ground (Hebrew), Schocken, Jerusalem/Tel Aviv, 503 pp. Ze'ev Tzahor, Israel's Political Roots (Hebrew), Hakibbutz Hameuchad/ Ben‐Gurion University, Tel Aviv, 125 pp. Yehoshua Ben‐Arieh, Yossi Ben‐Artzi and Haim Goren, eds., Historical‐Geographical Studies in the Settlement of Eretz Israel (Hebrew), Yad Izhak Ben‐Zvi, Jerusalem, 218 pp. Yitzhak Greenberg, From Workers’ Society to Workers’ Economy: Evolution of the Hevrat Ha'ovdim Idea, 1920–1929 (Hebrew), Papyrus, Tel Aviv, 342 pp. Ezra Danin, A Zionist Under All Conditions (Hebrew), Kidum, Jerusalem, 829 pp. Nakdimon Rogel, Those Who Went Forth into the North Country (Hebrew), Yad Izhak Ben‐Zvi, Jerusalem, 180 pp.

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