
Abstract-Varicose veins is a disease commonly affecting the lower limbs, particularly the persons in higher age group, engaged in hard work, or in prolonged standing jobs, etc. Varicose veins are commonly occurring health problem in patients related to standing occupation. Varicose veins are not a severe medical condition in the early stages it's only a cosmetic concern but continued pain causes disturbance in daily routine life. Incompetency of the valves and weakness in the walls of the veins are the primary cause of this disease. In Ayurveda Siraja Granthi & Siragata Vata rogas are explained which are synonymous with the modern system disease of varicose veins. Varicose veins commonly develop in calves, thigh, in the legs and feet. Varicose veins are not life threatening but it affects day-to-day activities and conditions worsen with chronicity. Hence it is necessary to do a review study on varicose veins.

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